Sunday, October 19, 2008


Development economics defines famine as a distribution failure. In other words, famine occurs not because of lack of resources, but because of lack of fair distribution of resources. In Darfur, the lack of fair distribution of resources, combined with the lack of fair distribution of military power lead to countless murders, rapes, molestations, and abuses so inhumane that they almost seem unreal. But they are real.

I read a story about a villager in a Chadian refugee camp who was forced to eat his children’s ears right before he watched them burn to dead. I did a little research and it turns out that roughly at the same time about 119,569 people were watching Paris Hilton’s naked video on youtube.

Unfortunately, stories like that cannot be found in mainstream media. Mainstream media talks about with murder statistics, arms embargoes, international policies, and political talks. The real face of the horrors and atrocities in Darfur – the orphans, the cripples, the starvation, the diseases, remain largely out of sight for the general public. But they are there.

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