Monday, October 20, 2008

Darfur and US Support

Generally when looking for the United States response to and International problem, I have to complete multiple searches and weed around for relevant material. Upon looking for US response to the genocide in Darfur, however, I found a plethora of US based organizations and groups speaking out in support. Additionally, my searches generally result in some websites offering support, along with other websites refuting the problem or denying a crisis. The exception to this rule is apparently the Darfur situation, where the overwhelming result is for organizational and charitable support.

A few of the primary organizations I found were,, and

Team Darfur is a coalition of athletes who are banding together to help spread awareness and to create and end to the crisis occuring in Darfur. The group was started by two Olympic athletes who vowed to donate the bonuses from their Olympic medals to help the people of Darfur. Since then, over $1 million has been raised. The campaign for Team Darfur led up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Suggested support included purchasing Team Darfur wristbands (reminiscent of the Livestrong wristbands) as well as celebrating the Olympic spirit during the 2008 games in support of the men, women, and children who are prisoners in Darfur.

Save Darfur is an international coalition of everyday citizens who are devoted to "inspiring action, raising awareness, and speaking truth to power on behalf of all the people in Darfur". The coallition is an alliance of over 180 faith-based, advocacy and humanitarian organizations. The group joins together people of different races, gender, religions, beliefs, and political orientation. Save Darfur was founded in 2004 and is run by a board of directors. Additionally, the group works closely with congress in attempt to have strong UN backing for Darfur. Some examples of domestic campaigns include rallies, speaking tours, monetary donations, and awareness education.

Dream for Darfur is a completely different kind of support organization. Unlike Team Darfur, Dream for Darfur is protesting the Beijing Olympics and urging individuals to bring attention to the genocide rather than the Olympic games. Although the time has already passed, I found the website to be very interesting- taking a peaceful approach to supporting Darfur while taking a stance which is the polar opposite from a different support-lending initiative.

These are just three of the many organizations supporting Darfur. One thing they all have in common is having US government support and sometimes funding. While some are aiming to aid financially, others are just trying to spread awareness. This proves that regardless of resources, whether it is capital, time, or even passion, the smallest effort can make the biggest difference.

1 comment:

Katie Robertson said...


I really enjoyed reading your informative post. Have you heard of the organization called ""

They have some interesting information linked to their organization as well regarding Darfur and the genocide. 400,000 civilians have been killed due to the devastation there.